
Brikk Estate Agency

Reliable home sales at a fair price

(According to Boligas latest report from May by Berlingske 21)

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Medlem af dansk ejendomsmæglerforening

Do I get everything included when I sell with Brikk?

That’s right. With Brikk, you get the same as with other agents and more, including better transparency, extra marketing and better service. An A-Z package with everything included.

How can Brikk sell my home at only 19.500 kr?

We don’t have big offices or huge franchise costs to cover. We do things smarter so we can sell faster, focus on the right things with a fair price starting at just 19.500 DKK.

Will I be assigned a local agent and specialist?

Yes. At Brikk, we have our own local agents and specialists across the country who do valuations and showings. Get help with all aspects of selling your home – from the free Valuation to the final sale.

What our customers say

Brikk is one of Denmark’s best reviewed real estate agents. See what our customers say below or on Trustpilot.

Meet your local agent and specialist

Our local agents and specialists are among the best in the business. Many are former owners and managers from traditional chains. At Brikk, you’re in the best hands. Enter your postal code below to meet your local specialist and agent in your area.

Two packages - fixed low price

At Brikk you can choose between two packages, one where our local specialists and agents do the showings and one where you do it yourself. In both you get an A-Z service.

You show the property to buyers

19.500 kr

You show the property and host an open house, yet you still have a local expert assigned and receive an A-Z service.

  • You do the viewing yourself and host an open house.
  • Advertising on Boligsiden, Boliga, and several other platforms.
  • Tailor-made marketing campaigns for your property.
  • Local agent and specialist.
  • Negotiation with buyers, purchase agreement, etc.
  • Photos, text, and floor plan.
  • Brikk has the legal responsibility.

Brikk hosts the viewing

29.500 kr

Your local Brikk real estate agent do the viewing of the property and hosts an open house.

  • Brikk takes care of viewings and hosts an open house.
  • Advertising on Boligsiden, Boliga, and several other platforms.
  • Tailor-made marketing campaigns for your property.
  • Local agent and specialist.
  • Negotiation with buyers, purchase agreement, etc.
  • Photos, text, and floor plan.
  • Brikk has the legal responsibility.
Solgt på 14 dage

Vangede Bygade 105,
2820 Gentofte


Vibevej 24,
9900 Frederikshavn


Strandparken 12,
8000 Aarhus C

Sold for 1,000,000,000,000 DKK +.

Brikk is now one of Denmark’s largest real estate chains. We have sellers, buyers and local real estate agents and specialists across the country and have sold homes for more than DKK 1 billion with many more to come.

Systems that make it easier

While we of course offer personal assistance in all parts of your home sale, we have built Brikk Hub, a control center that guides you through the sale and makes everything easier and more transparent. It’s safe and easy to use – for everyone.

Use Brikk Hub to:

How it works

6 simple steps: Start with a free valuation and end with a sold home and a good feeling

Sådan virker Brikk

1. Free Home Valuation

Your local Brikk valuation specialist will come to your home and provide a non-binding valuation. You can book the date and time online. We will visit at a time that suits you best

Sådan virker Brikk

2. Photos, Floor Plan, and Description

Our photography company, Zigna, will visit your home to capture high-quality photos and take measurements for a floor plan. Our expert copywriters will then craft the listing description, incorporating any input you may have.

Sådan virker Brikk

3. Advertisement and Marketing

Once you approve your listing, your property will be listed on Boligsiden, Boliga, and other platforms, and we will create tailor-made online campaigns for your property.

Sådan virker Brikk

4. Viewings and Status

Viewings are conducted by your local agent or by you. Either way, you can track the statistics and activity of the sale in Brikk Hub.

Sådan virker Brikk

5. Offers and Negotiation

Once the right buyer or buyers have been found, we negotiate the best deal for you and, of course, handle the purchase agreement and all the practical details.

Sådan virker Brikk

6. Takeover

Our skilled case handlers guide you through the entire post-sale process right up until you move out and the buyer moves in. We also remain available for any questions even after the sale is complete.

Frequently asked questions

Hvad koster det at sælge sin bolig med Brikk?

Når du sælger din bolig med Brikk koster det henholdsvist 19.500 kr. eller 29.500 kr., alt efter hvilken pakke du vælger. Den eneste forskel på de to pakker er hvorvidt du selv vil fremvise din bolig, eller lade os stå for det. Uanset hvilken pakke du vælger er du dermed garanteret A-Z service, lokale specialister og en fast lav pris, så du ved præcis hvor meget du skal betale.

Er alt inkluderet i prisen 19.500 kr?

Med Brikk som ejendomsmægler får du altid A-Z service, uanset hvilken pakke du vælger. Den eneste forskel på vores to pakker til henholdsvis 19.500 kr. og 29.500 kr. er, om det er dig eller os der står for fremvisningen. Vi har sat det op på denne måde, så du selv kan bestemme hvilken tilgang der passer dig bedst.

Får jeg en lokal mægler tilknyttet?

Ja, det gør du. Hos Brikk har vi lokale mæglere og specialister i hele landet, der kan hjælpe dig trygt igennem din bolighandel. Vi lægger vægt på at vores mæglere og specialister er lokale, da dette giver dem bedre mulighed for at rådgive dig på baggrund af relevant viden og erfaring fra dit område. Dette er i sidste ende med til at give dig det bedste udfald af din bolighandel.

Hvordan kan Brikk være så billige?

Måden hvorpå danskere handler med boliger har ændret sig markant i løbet af de seneste årtier. Forløbet starter ikke længere i fysiske butikker, men derimod online, hvor det estimeres at 98% i dag begynder deres bolighandel. På trods af denne udvikling, er der ikke sket særlig meget med forretningsmodellen hos de store, traditionelle ejendomsmæglerkæder. Butikkerne åbnes og drives som sædvanligt, og det betyder i sidste ende at sælgerne skal betale 85.000 kr. + i ejendomsmæglersalær, da de også betaler for at mæglerne kan drive forretning. Hos Brikk mener vi, at det er en dårlig handel for sælgerne. Derfor har vi valgt at bygge vores forretning op omkring det princip, at en bolighandel ikke bør koste mere end de gebyrer der er nødvendige for, at en bolig kan sælges. Når vi bliver spurgt hvordan vi kan være så meget billigere end vores modparter er svaret dermed ikke, at vi er gået ned på kvalitet eller service. Vi har blot sat prisen på baggrund af det, som det egentligt koster at sælge sin bolig.

Hvilke services tilbyder ejendomsmægleren Brikk?

Hos Brikk tilbyder vi A-Z service i din bolighandel. Det betyder, helt konkret, at vi står for alt fra vurdering og markedsføring, til fremvisning og forhandling. Vi er altså med dig fra start til slut, og sørger for at hele processen, samt den endelige handel, lever op til dine krav og forventninger.

Get a free valuation

Join 1000+ others and sell your home with Brikk. Start with a free valuation from your local agent and specialist now.