
Brikk is Denmark's fastest selling real estate agent

In the latest statistics on waiting times for the 10 largest real estate agents in Denmark, published in Berlingske 2021, Brikk is at the top with the lowest waiting times. We are very proud of this, and to be able to call ourselves Denmark’s fastest selling real estate agent.

Denmark's fastest selling real estate agent

A study published in Berlingske in collaboration with Boliga in 2021 shows that Brikk has the lowest waiting times nationwide of the 10 largest real estate agents. We are therefore very proud to be able to call ourselves Denmark’s fastest-selling real estate agent. But this is certainly no coincidence. The focus at Brikk is to sell homes faster and to get more eyes on every single home. See the overview of waiting times below and read more about why we sell homes faster.

Table of average waiting times for real estate agents in Denmark

Real estate agent Average length of stay (days)
Brikk 85
John Frandsen 92
Lokalbolig 96
Robinhus 129
Danbolig 202
Home 207
Estate Mæglerne 257
Nybolig 269
Realmæglerne 280
EDC 302

Tailored social media marketing

At Brikk, we are digital experts, which is why we do all marketing campaigns ourselves. This way we can offer social media marketing campaigns as part of the base price when you choose us as your broker. We also customize all social media ads to ensure the best results.

Each property receives different promotions, which means that more potential buyers both see your listing and click through to read more about the property on our website.

Viewing on Boligsiden

Around 98% of all home purchases today start online. That’s why it’s important to make your home visible on digital housing portals when it goes on sale. Your home is displayed on Boligsiden and Boliga, this can really make a difference as most buyers start their journey on Boligsiden and Boliga.

Buyer directory

With most home searches nowadays starting online, buyer lists are not as important as they used to be. However, here at Brikk, we still collect information from potential buyers so they can be notified when an interesting property comes up for sale. This process is automated and can lead to your property being sold before it officially goes on the market.

Targeted retargeting

Retargeting is a marketing method where you try to reach people who have previously shown interest. At Brikk, we use retargeting by, for example, showing banners with your property to people who have previously clicked on it. By using retargeting, we ensure that there is continued interest in your property and that people are reminded of it.

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Frequently asked questions

Hvem er Danmarks hurtigst sælgende ejendomsmægler?

Ifølge en statistik fra maj 2021 udarbejdet af Boliga i samarbejde med Berlingske er Brikk den ejendomsmæglervirksomhed i Danmark der har de laveste liggetider. Dette gør Brikk til Danmarks hurtigst sælgende ejendomsmægler.

Hvad betyder liggetider?

Liggetider er en betegnelse for det antal af dage en bolig officielt har været til salg. Indenfor ejendomsmæglerbranchen snakker man ofte om liggetider i forbindelse med boligsalg, for bl.a. at bedømme mæglerens præsentation.

Hvorfor er Brikk Danmarks hurtigst sælgende ejendomsmægler?

Der er flere grunde til, at Brikk er Danmarks hurtigst sælgende ejendomsmægler. Vores fokus er i høj grad at optimere måden ejendomsmæglere handler med boliger, og at blive eksperter til de forskellige discipliner indenfor boligsalg- og køb. Derfor har vi bl.a. specialiseret os indenfor digital markedsføring, så vi har mulighed for at skræddersy de bedste markedsføringskampagner til vores kunder. På denne måde sikrer vi, at din bolig ses af mange flere potentielle købere, samtidig med at du sparer op til flere tusinde kroner.